Is BlackBerry pivoting to the Internet of Thins?
By: Tom Manning - March 02, 2016

We all know the history of BlackBerry's dramatic fall from the top of the smartphone market. CEO John Chen was brought on to turn the company around. He had moderate success in cutting expenses and releasing new hardware to give the company a boost. Things have continued to be challenging for BlackBerry, and it appears Mr. Chen may finally be giving up on hardware and turning to their QNX platform to fuel future revenue.

With a couple of recent acquisitions in security software, it appears BlackBerry may be bolstering the security of their QNX platform. As the IoT grows, the need for security will grow and BlackBerry wants to lead the pack. Profit Credential sees BlackBerry building a security ecosystem.

BlackBerry’s “QNX” operating system (OS) no longer powers your smartphone, but it does power your car and might soon be running on every other hardware you can think of. This could include everything from traffic control systems to medical devices and factory equipment, as BlackBerry hints. (Source: “QNX Unveils New Bluetooth Solution for Embedded System Developers,” Yahoo! Finance, February 23, 2016.)
But as the IoT ecosystem grows, demand for security will also grow. Imagine if all of your daily-use devices are interconnected to each other and ultimately to your smartphone. This includes your car, home security alarm, TV, tablet, baby monitor, and refrigerator—to name just a few devices. This is what IoT is all about.

The question is whether BlackBerry can be a leader in the space, or another small company trying to contribute. The big boys, Apple, Google, Microsoft, will surely have an answer to that question.


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