Hillary Clinton is keeping BlackBerry in the news
By: Tom Manning - May 15, 2016

As BlackBerry has been in decline, there are fewer and fewer headlines about the once dominant smartphone. Thanks to Hillary Clinton however, BlackBerry remains in the news. I'm not sure it is good news as the most recent headlines suggest the US Government restricted access to BlackBerry because of security concerns. With the recent reports of the Canadian Government holding the keys to BlackBerry's encryption, it seem BlackBerry wasn't as secure as we thought it was.

Recent reports say Hillary knew her BB was not secure as it wasn't allowed by the State Department. Breitbart says it this way:

“I’m so sorry but I’m just seeing this (no blackberry contact permitted in my office) and I’m on the way to the shuttle to NY,” Clinton said in an email to personal Clinton health adviser Mark Hyman on February 27, 2009. The email was obtained by Judicial Watch, a nonprofit transparency group that is suing the State Department.

“Tomorrow I leave for Egypt, Israel, Europe and Turkey for a week. I hope the meeting and the hearing goes well. Let me know,” Clinton added.

At this point, BlackBerry needs all the headlines it can get. The company seems to be pivoting away from hardware, even though a lot of people still favor the BlackBerry keyboard over touch devices.


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